Leongatha South Fire Brigade members honoured

LEONGATHA South Fire Brigade held its awards dinner on Saturday recognising the committed service of a number of its members.

Paul Norton, a founding member of the brigade, was awarded a Life Membership and a 65 Year Service Award, amusing attendees by asking how long the Life Membership would last.

Gordon Vagg’s 55 years of service was recognised, with lieutenant Mick Landry and Stuart Landry both acknowledged for 40 years’ service.

On the night, captain Greg Carruthers and lieutenant Greg Clifford received National Emergency Medals, also being honoured for 20 and 25 years of service respectively.

Not all members to be honoured were at the dinner so will receive their awards at a later date.

CFA Board member Peter Shaw was on hand for 

Saturday’s award presentations, updating members on general CFA matters including equipment improvements such as retrofitting of crew protection systems to ultralight tankers and replacing those tankers that can’t be retrofitted.

He also noted the radio replacement program has commenced, with training to be provided as it is rolled out.

Peter spoke of the importance of presenting awards that acknowledge the qualities that make the CFA a great and well-respected organisation.

“I would like to thank all of you for your continued involvement in supporting the brigade in the many ways that you do,” he said.

Those keen to start doing so are encouraged to contact Leongatha South Fire Brigade captain Greg Carruthers on 0487 623 066.

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