Letters to the editor
Council Policy Change

We again are being asked for our thoughts re Bass Coast Council proposed changes to the Urban Roads and Drainage Scheme 2024. The draft policy is now available for viewing on Engage Bass Coast. https://engage.basscoast.vic.gov.au/urdi 

This draft policy deals primarily with the hamlets mainly on Phillip Island which consist of unmade roads with a large number of holiday homes, but also cover other areas within the Bass Coast Shire. 

Previous attempts by Bass Council to initiate special charge schemes for Sunset Strip, Wimbledon Heights, Cape Paterson and most recently Sunderland Bay and Surf Beach were rejected by ratepayers. At a cost to the Bass Coast ratepayers in the vicinity of one million dollars ($1.000.000), primarily due to council’s failure to communicate appropriately.

The main reasons for the rejections were, cost and environmental impact to the area including the type of urban design not embracing the seaside area.

The current councillors should not be trusted to make any decision on this proposed draft policy on the Urban Road and Drainage Scheme as their time is coming to an end.

I would like to quote from engage Bass Coast, Sunderland Bay and Surf beach Special charge Scheme (“There was a majority of property owners within the estates submit an objection to the proposed upgrade project which means under the Local Government Act 1989 legislation, the project will not proceed. The proposed special charge scheme to fund the project was abandoned at the Council meeting held on 13 December 2023.

Council will commence planning for the next highest priority project area in accordance with the Urban Road and Drainage Improvement Policy. We acknowledge that some residents that supported the upgrade will be disappointed with the result. At this point in time, there is not enough support from the community to proceed further with the upgrade project. If there was a particular street or smaller area that at least 70 per cent of property owners actively supported an upgrade project in the future, it can be considered in accordance with the Council’s Urban Road and Drainage Policy”).

As this draft now points out based on councils figures, is a limited street and drainage location as number one priority, which is a similar but reduced area within Surf Beach and Sunderland Bay who is it that sets up these figures and why. 

Councillors should question the council in open council why the 2019 policy cannot be adhered to and move to the next priority. Or is this the big stick approach by council to force ratepayers to conform to council dictatorial ways. 

My comment on the draft submission, it is devised by council to divide and conquer. The proposal for Sunderland Bay and Surf Beach will have considerable increase in cost, as well as the inconvenience involved for the next 20 years till the minor roads in west Surf Beach are completed. 

Why are we being asked to input into a draft document that is designed to cover the next 58 years. We have a ten year financial plan which I am sure doesn’t cover these types of costs. 

Councillor’s either speak up against this unfair policy, change it or get out.

John Trigt, Surf Beach.

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