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Shame on you Councillors

2 min read

THE Bass Coast council approved a planning permit last December approving in a noticeably short time for the 20th tv series of “The Block”. This application was not tabled at an open monthly council meeting for councillor’s discussion. Councillors were full of praise to what it would do in showcasing Phillip Island worldwide for free, and the almighty dollar it would attract.

In the March council meeting a motion was tabled for a permit to erect a house at 42 Bruce Avenue Silverleaves, the council planning officer report recommended that a permit to be granted after all necessary bodies had agreed. As the motion failed to attract a mover, Cr Michael Whelan moved an alternative motion of refusal. Cr Whelan’s motion of refusal was initiated by protecting the community against climate change disasters. I have news for the councillor you cannot control climate disasters. Six Bass Coast councillors supported Cr Whelan’s motion in refusing this planning application. 

Did any the six councillors read the one-hundred-page addendum to this application and evaluated the extensive abarticular report attached to this application, it may also be of help to the six councillors if they had read the “Melbourne Waters” Sea Level Rise Guidelines Interim Development Assessment Principles February 2023. This refusal will have no effect on the world climate change and Cr Whelan and Bass Coast councillors should spend their time on roads, garbage and homelessness; councillors, please note one family is homeless by your actions.

Here we have the potential of another trip to VCAT using ratepayers’ money for councillor lawyers and more cost for owner of the property in these tough economic times.

The community elects’ councillors to represent them, did the six councillors let their community down? Yes.
Will any off these six councillors have the courage to table a motion to rescind this motion before it goes to VCAT and save ratepayers’ money.

Bass Coast ratepayers and residents should carefully consider which candidates they wish to represent them on the Bass Coast council over the next four years. Candidates who listen to the community and are transparent or candidates that are there to serve their own self-serving ego.

John Trigt, Surf Beach