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PIBC last longboard final for the 23/24 season

1 min read

ON SATURDAY May, 25 Phillip Island Boardriders Club (PIBC) held their last Longboard comp for the 23/24 season.

Longboard Captain Andy McHenry lead his team for a cracking day first at Shelly’s beach, and the finals at Penguins.

With the closing of the 23/24 surf season at PIBC, the yoga program will continue through the winter months.

PIBC’s 24/25 season will kick off in October, with annual memberships opening from July 1.


Open Womens 1st Ebony Maier 2nd Nala Taylor 3rd Lucy Camenzuli

Open Men 1st Andrew Burgan 2nd Ben Gerard Taylor 3rd Luke Johnson

Masters O45 Mixed 1st Andrew Lidsey 2nd Emily Scott 3rd Mark Letts

Juniors U18s Mixed 1st Scarlett Rennie 2nd Savannah Bennett


Best Nose Ride Guy - Luke Johnson

Best Nose Ride Girl - Ebony Maier

Best Wipe Out - Lucy Camenzuli

Most Improved - Timmi Ungar

Master’s Most Improved - Emily Scott